Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Wash Away That Scar


"I believe that, with God's help ... we can fight for life, and fight for freedom for these babies." -Danny Gokey

[Faithwire.com] Christian singer Danny Gokey is encouraging fans to be pro-life and to "fight for those who have no voice," but the popular performer also has a special message for post-abortive women: there's hope. 

"I am pro-baby and pro-mama, 100% of the way," Gokey said in a video published Saturday by a pro-life group called Live Action. 

"If you're watching this and you've had an abortion, know this: you are loved, you are accepted, you have a place at the table—and Jesus' Blood can wash away that wound and scar."

Gokey went on to explain that 2,363 babies are aborted each day in America, noting that this total adds up to more than 860,000 per year. The singer encouraged people to take a stand and fight to protect these unborn  babies.

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