Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Five Prayers That Will Change Your Life


Five Prayers That Will Change Your Life A Negative Example by Bill Wilson

… I give myself to prayer.   Psalm 109:4

All Christians need to learn how to abide in prayer. I am sure most of you have your stated times of prayer in the morning and at night, before your meals and after. The Bible says that we are to pray always. In all times, in all things, we are to pray. We should constantly be in touch with God. We are to walk with Him and talk with Him. Our last thoughts at night and our first thoughts in the morning will be of Him, as we learn to be always in prayer and thus to be dwelling in the secret place of the most High.

In the next few days, we will go through five prayers that can change our lives. Here they are:

Slay me (i.e., my old nature).
Cleanse me.
Fill me (with Your Holy Spirit).
Lead me.
Use me.

Try to pray these every day, and you will begin to notice changes.

Question to ponder:
Have you given yourself over to prayer?

Now all these things happened to them for examples. They are written as an admonition to us, upon whom the end of the ages has come.

— 1 Corinthians 10:11

Samson’s life was a great tragedy, but we learn much from a life such as his that had great potential but went awry. In a certain way, he was a picture of Christ—a very, very imperfect picture. Christ also had His birth announced by angels. He also was consecrated unto God. He also had a great calling. His calling was also to deliver the people of God, not from the tyranny of the Philistines, but from the tyranny of all evil.

Yet Christ never violated His vows. He never compromised His consecration. He lived a spotlessly sinless life all of His days. Then one day in the temple of the devil—upon a Cross with outstretched arms—Christ, the greater one than Samson, pressed upon the columns that upheld the very kingdom of evil, and with a mighty push, they went down. Christ did what He came to do. He destroyed the works of Satan.

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