Shooting Holes in Evolution by Dr. D. James Kennedy
The creation account of the Bible is incompatible with the origins story told by modern Darwinian evolution. That account, which purports to be scientific, tells us that man evolved from the apes, in fact, that all life evolved ultimately from just one protein cell.
The evolutionary theory has led to some of the greatest evils mankind has ever knowb and the evidence is not nearly as robust as evolutionists claim.
You can be a voice for Christ and bring hope into the maze of lostness that the theory of evolution undergirds.
We are a truth-starved nation but you can help change that as you stand with people of faith to proclaim God's truth about the origins of life to a lost and dying world that no longer seeks for truth.
Either God created, or He did not
The question of where we came from is all-important. The Christian answer, drawn from God’s revealing of Himself in Scripture, is that we are created by God in His image. However, since the arrival of Charles Darwin in the 19th century, a different answer to the question of origins has taken hold. That view tells us that the universe is a cosmic accident and that life arose accidentally.
There cab be no merging of these two worldviews.
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