Sunday, October 16, 2022

Biological Males Required to Register for SSS

“Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS,” the Selective Service wrote on Twitter.

Its post featured a link to its official website and its “who needs to register” section, which clarifies that “US citizens or immigrants who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register.”

At the same time, the Selective Service makes it clear that biological women who claim to be men and “have changed their gender to male” aren’t obliged to register for potential military conscription.

The administration and President Biden personally have embraced transgender policies, pushing for “equality” in all fields.

“[I am committed to] advancing transgender equality in the classroom, on the playing field, in our military and our housing and health care systems,” Biden commented in March 2022.

“Everywhere. Simply everywhere,” he added in a statement on the “Transgender Day of Visibility.

Republican US Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado slammed the president for disregarding biological gender across the board but not in the military draft policy.

“Trans women (also known as men) will be forced to sign up for the draft. Looks like Joe Biden has just officially confirmed what a woman is and what a woman isn’t,” Boebert pointed out in a Twitter post.

Meanwhile, the publication of the Selective Service had thousands of shares and caused confusion and backlash.

“When they need you to go to war, the US government acknowledges that a person can NOT change sex,” one user tweeted.

“I was sure this was satire for a couple minutes and then I noticed the verified badge,” another user said.

“Do you assume we are all biologists? How are we to know what is a ‘son?’ It is 2022. Read a book and cool it with your transphobic tweets,” video blogger and political commentator Paul Ramsey tweeted.

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