Sunday, October 16, 2022



Predestination by Dr. D. James Kennedy

… He predestined us to adoption as sons to Himself through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will,   Ephesians 1:5

God sovereignly controls and ordains all things that come to pass, from the greatest star to the smallest atom. He has done this in such a way as to leave a certain natural liberty to men. They are free to do as they please, and yet they always do that which God has eternally ordained. We find that we cannot understand this, for there are some things that are beyond our feeble comprehension—e.g., man’s free will and God’s eternal purpose.

He created man with a power to do good or evil. Man chose to do evil thus plunging the world into sin and bringing him into a state of bondage, into a state of condemnation and wrath.

We find that God determined not to leave him there, but from all eternity selected out of this mass of fallen mankind a people for Himself: His elect, His chosen ones—a multitude of every tongue and kindred, nation and tribe under the sun; a multitude that no man can number—and these, God determined to save. These are His sheep. These are His chosen ones, for the Father has chosen them. He has sent His Son to die for them and procure for them eternal life.

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