December 21
How sure can we be that God is the light in whom we must dwell? How can we be confident that Jesus is the source of light that is available to all men who will but give up the burden of their sin in exchange for the freedom of His salvation? We can be sure, we can be confident, if we trust His unshakable WORD!
One very good way to trust Him is to simply open our hearts to the Holy Spirit who Jesus says will, “Teach you all truth” John 14:26. Jesus goes on to say that we are not to be troubled because we know the truth but are to be encouraged, knowing His words to us will stand. As we see them unfolding, He will affirm His veracity and power.
Our God is so sure that His words will not fail that He told us in Isaiah 54:10, “The mountains may disappear and the hills may fall into the sea, but My words will never fail; My love will never cease, My peace will have no end (in the hearts of men who enthrone Him within their hearts).”
This old world may crumble and fall before our eyes through war or the ravages of nature, but God’s word is eternal. God’s word will abide when all else fails, for He tells us that everything that can be shaken will be shaken (see Haggai 2:6 and 21), but His truth is unshakable (see Hebrews 12:27, 28).
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