December 17
There is a wise saying that reminds us, “An organization takes on the character of its leader.” This is true in business and it is true in families. Those who are in authority over a group impose their values, their personalities, upon the people they lead. A prime example of this truth is the fact that leaders of great faiths have left a profound example for those who come after them to follow.
In His letter to the Hebrews, Paul the Apostle reminded the believers to do just that. In Chapter 12, verses 2 and 3 he said, “Let us look only to Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith who suffered death on the cross, accepting its shame because of the joy God put before Him. He secured man’s salvation and He received His place at God’s right hand.
“Jesus accomplished this while wicked people were opposing Him, even unto death, so, like Him, we should never give up and never stop witnessing our faith.” Our adherence to the Gospel of Jesus might put us in conflict with the people around us. From mild chastisement as, ‘Bible-thumping do-gooders’ to outright persecution, the unbelievers of the world do not have much tolerance for believers in Christ.
Yet His Word tells us in Colossians 3:13 that we are to, “Get along with each other and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you.” If we can take on that aspect of His character, our glorious Leader Jesus Christ will touch the world with truth through us.
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