December 28
One of the significant points of doctrinal difference between the Catholic and the Protestant branches of Christianity is the perception of the personhood of Mary. Catholics consider her to be “Queen of Heaven.” They believe her to be co-equal with Jesus. He is perhaps able to be described as a loving son who consults His mother in matters of import.
Protestants perceive Mary to be a good and honorable woman of profound faith whose devotion to the law and whose love of her God stood out among other women and set her apart for her level of commitment to God’s truth.
Another significant difference is the Catholic belief that Mary remained a virgin her entire life while Protestants believe her marriage to Joseph was consummated after the birth of Jesus (see Matthew 1:25) and that Mary and Joseph had other children—brothers and sisters of the Lord.
One thing that is irrefutable is the fact that the Catholic Church has been instrumental in fulfilling the prophecy spoken of Mary by the angel in Luke 1:28, which says, “Hail, thou who art highly favored; the Lord is with you and blessed are you among women,” as well as the prophecy of Mary herself, “…all generations shall call me blessed, ”Luke 1:48.
The Catholic Church has been faithful to hold Mary in utmost regard and to perpetuate her blessedness through the generations.
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