November 1
Myths: We Can Have Morality Without Religion
Dr. D.James Kennedy
so it was, when Jesus had ended these sayings, that the people were
astonished at His teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and
not as the scribes.—Matthew 7:28–29
What part does your relationship
with God play in your life? Your answer to that question will affect your
reaction to the myth we look at today.
Many people believe that they can
have morality without religion. What do you think about that statement? It’s
a myth so ingrained in the modern American mind that people take it for
granted. In fact, we continue to build our current educational and legal
systems upon it, despite the warnings of great people in history.
example, George Washington, in his farewell address, warned us to avoid this
myth: “And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be
maintained without religion.”
Dostoevski, an author of the last century,
reminded us, “If there is no God, then everything is permissible.”
John Paul
Sartre echoed Washington and Dostoevski: “[Without God] all activities are
equivalent…Thus it amounts to the same thing whether one gets drunk alone, or
is a leader of nations.”
And I say: We cannot have morality
without religion. Why? Because people don’t follow a code of ethics when a
fellow human being has drawn it up. While the humanists have drawn up a
Humanist Manifesto that many have chosen to follow, this manifesto includes
many things originally forbidden by God—divorce, suicide, free love,
fornication, adultery, and euthanasia.
No one can impose his or her morality
on others. The atheists and humanists have only accomplished this because
they’ve legislated whatever behaviors they’ve wanted to sanction.
We also
can’t have morality without religion because if we get rid of God, we have
nothing left to guide us except what we see other people doing. And what
someone is doing is not necessarily what he or she should be doing. You
cannot get an “ought” from an “is.”
No one but God is just enough,
powerful enough, or wise enough to create a moral code by which humankind
must live. God not only created this code, but He sent His Son to pay the
penalty for all our violations of it.
Today, thank God not only for the
creation of His code but also His fulfillment of it through Jesus Christ.
Then submit your will to Him, allowing His moral code to guide you in
everything you say and do.
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