Sunday, November 1, 2015

White-washed Sepulchers

White-washed Sepulchers

"White-washed sepulchers," Matthew 23:27, is not a very flattering term, but it is one that the Lord applied to the religious leaders of His day. Jesus' words are reflected here in Dr. Carson's assertion that, "The Lord doesn't do paint jobs..."

Our Savior isn't concerned about how believers present themselves on the outside of their lives. He isn't impressed by their self-righteousness or their pontification. He is, however, moved by the condition of their hearts.

He is moved to hear the prayers of those who walk in His righteousness.
He is moved to expand the sphere of influence of those who share His truth.
He is moved to bless the nations of those who implore Him for revival.

It seems, in fact, that whenever believers concern themselves with the things that concern the heart of God, He is "in the midst of them." He is there when they, "...are gathered in My name." Matthew 18:20

How do believers gather in the name of Jesus?

They do so by praying the heart of God. It behooves those who call themselves by the name that is above all names (see Philippians 2:9-11) to seek God's heart above all else, and when they have heard His voice and know His purposes, they should be on their knees in supplication for the things that He has revealed to them.

What are you praying for? For things that will improve your life? Things that will make you look good in the eyes of men? A white-washing, a slapping of paint across the corruption of man's wicked heart?

What are you praying for? Hopefully, dear person of faith, you are praying the heart of the God who loves mankind and who gave Himself that mankind may live eternally.

Daystar Television Network with Dr. Ben Carson

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