Tuesday, December 15, 2015


The Incredible Incarnation by Dr. D. James Kennedy

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Do you remember the fairy tale about the toad that, when kissed by a princess, became a handsome prince? Well, Christmas is the story about a prince who became a toad——about the Creator of the universe who became a creature to redeem the creatures in bondage.

How would you feel about becoming an animal—a donkey, an ostrich, or a toad? I submit to you that the distance between Christ, the eternal Son of God, and a human being is infinitely greater than the distance between a human and any part of the animal creation. Christ is immortal; death was alien and foreign to His nature. Yet He tasted death for us.

Through the centuries, the hymn writers, theologians, and heralds of Christ have told us that this Babe in Bethlehem is none other than God Himself—the same One who wrapped Himself with the starry clouds of the Milky Way and flung from His fingertips the vast myriad of galaxies that light the night sky.

He is none other than the eternal, omnipotent, omniscient Creator of all things. He is our God, the Almighty One, God the Son. He left heaven so we could gain heaven. He came into the valley of sorrows so we could have a way out of it. He became poor to give us His riches. He suffered to free us from pain and death.

Christ’s life on earth was absolutely unique. He never learned because He knew all things. He never apologized because He never did anything wrong. He never corrected His teachings; He never sought advice. Never before or since has such a Man as this lived, who invariably evoked from the hearts and minds of those who beheld Him the startled question, “What manner of man is this?”

The baby asleep on Mary’s lap was Christ our King, Lord of the universe. What a privilege to know Him!

"Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see; hail the incarnate Deity. Pleased as man with men to dwell, Jesus our Emmanuel." Charles Wesley

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