Wednesday, July 6, 2016



Have you ever been awakened from a sound sleep by the voice of GOD? Has the HOLY ONE ever spoken to you as you slept securely snuggled under your covers?

In this time of duplicity and unscrupulousness from a leading presidential candidate; in this time of lawlessness on the part of our nation's top law enforcement agency, we all need a reminder that nothing happens that is beyond the hand of justice of the ONE who is forever JUST in an unjust world.

May we rely upon HIM as we beseech HIS will to be done in the upcoming election. May the devices of man come to nothing and may the purposes of our GOD and KING be paramount.

And as we pray for our nation, may we also pray for those who serve our SAVIOR in far off lands. May we not be so consumed with our own interests that the eternal salvation of lost souls is not in our minds and hearts and prayers.

Even as we concern ourselves with the political quagmire in which we find ourselves, may we hear the LORD'S voice in the night, calling us to pray for those who go abroad, who go into harm's way, in order to share the GOSPEL with people who have not heard of the power of JESUS to save.

May we lift them up in prayer--those who are long term missionaries and those who are short term missionaries--knowing that as we lend our prayers to the purposes of the heart of GOD, HE will also hear our prayers for our nation.

And HE will heal our land.

Sometimes it’s easy to recognize the blessings in our life; sometimes, it’s tough.

Our circumstances do not change who God who is, He is constant and good.

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