Let marriage be held in honor among all....Hebrews 13:4
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the Church. Ephesians 5:31-32
Let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own
husband. Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and
likewise also the wife to her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:2-3
Let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33
Father, we pray for Your hand to be upon the healing and restoration of marriages and marriage in America.
We ask for living models of the beauty and goodness of marriage. We pray for marriage to be honored and held in high esteem by young and old alike. Show us the way to make our marriages pleasing to You, Creator of love, marriage and family. Thank You, dear Father, for giving marriage such a high and holy place in Your heart.
We ask You to lead husbands and wives in how best to honor their vow to love one another. Thank you for every husband who loves his wife, and every wife who respects and loves her husband.
Thank You for the challenge of marriage, and for the goodness that comes from meeting those challenges in and with You.
Lord, You have said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Our homes are prey to forces that would divide and destroy marriages and families. We know that You are the healer. You are the peacemaker. You are the Author of love. You are the love that transforms our hardened hearts to hearts of flesh. Reveal Your life giving power in and through our marriages. We are pleading for the stability, the security and strength that comes from domestic tranquility. Please move our hearts to a deeper and fuller understanding of love.
Help each of us to say, "May I honor You by honoring my marriage."
We pray that the union of one man and one woman will be embraced by all societies as the sole form of legitimate marriage and the proper basis of family.
We ask that the power of Your hand intervene to transform and heal the hearts of those who would attempt to re-define marriage on man's terms instead of Yours.
“The institution of marriage is, of course, at the very foundation of our social organization, and all influences that affect that institution are of vital concern to the people of the whole country.” President Theodore Roosevelt
Let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband. Ephesians 5:33
Father, we pray for Your hand to be upon the healing and restoration of marriages and marriage in America.
We ask for living models of the beauty and goodness of marriage. We pray for marriage to be honored and held in high esteem by young and old alike. Show us the way to make our marriages pleasing to You, Creator of love, marriage and family. Thank You, dear Father, for giving marriage such a high and holy place in Your heart.
We ask You to lead husbands and wives in how best to honor their vow to love one another. Thank you for every husband who loves his wife, and every wife who respects and loves her husband.
Thank You for the challenge of marriage, and for the goodness that comes from meeting those challenges in and with You.
Lord, You have said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. Our homes are prey to forces that would divide and destroy marriages and families. We know that You are the healer. You are the peacemaker. You are the Author of love. You are the love that transforms our hardened hearts to hearts of flesh. Reveal Your life giving power in and through our marriages. We are pleading for the stability, the security and strength that comes from domestic tranquility. Please move our hearts to a deeper and fuller understanding of love.
Help each of us to say, "May I honor You by honoring my marriage."
We pray that the union of one man and one woman will be embraced by all societies as the sole form of legitimate marriage and the proper basis of family.
We ask that the power of Your hand intervene to transform and heal the hearts of those who would attempt to re-define marriage on man's terms instead of Yours.
“The institution of marriage is, of course, at the very foundation of our social organization, and all influences that affect that institution are of vital concern to the people of the whole country.” President Theodore Roosevelt
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