Saturday, December 24, 2016

Prayer Initiative

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4

Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them!.... And He placed His hands on their heads and blessed them. Matthew 19:14-15

Let our sons in their youth be as grown up plants, and our daughters as corner pillars fashioned as for a palace. Psalm 144: 12

Heavenly Father, we lift the youth of this country up to You, asking for Your divine intervention and protection over their lives. Give our young the discernment, wisdom, strength, character and courage to navigate their way through a culture that surrounds them with godless influences and temptations.

Help us to remember that our youth are children, Lord. We pray for teachers, coaches, parents and pastors who know and love You, whose eyes are open, and who understand the threats our children are up against.

Give the believers among our youth the strength to stand strong in their faith as Your witnesses. Protect them all from lies, deception and manipulation. May they demonstrate the power of Your love to their classmates and teachers.

We ask for a removal of restrictions against Your Word in our schools, and that the Bible will once again become the Gold Standard for character development in this country.

Master Teacher, guide us by Your Word and show us how to impact our education system with Your Truth. We pray against all efforts to indoctrinate our youth with ideologies that are at odds with Your truth.

Lord, we ask You to expose all enemies attempting to influence our children, and give us the wisdom to act with authority and effectiveness to protect our young.

We ask You to help us end the scourge of a hyper-sexualized culture. We ask for the powers of heaven to descend upon those who perpetrate evil on our young. Please break the epidemic of pornography addiction in middle school boys. We beg of You, Father, open our eyes, show us the way to lead our youth out of addiction of any kind.

We pray for sexual purity to be the new standard for our youth, asking You to replace deadly desires with a deep desire for righteousness and purity.

Father, we boldly ask for wholesome influences in the lives of our young. Please intervene, O Lord, against attempts to draw our young away from respect for that which is sacred and holy. Give us boldness, kindness, gentleness, understanding and winsomeness in our attempts to lead them toward that which is best for them in Your eyes.

And for the millions of children dealing with the loneliness and insecurities of dysfunctional or broken homes and absent fathers and/or mothers, we pray, gentle Savior, that they will find their way to You, the One who will never leave them or forsake them.


“A nation is strong or weak, it thrives or perishes upon what it believes to be true. If our youth is rightly instructed in the faith of our fathers; in the traditions of our country; in the dignity of each individual man, then our power will be stronger than any weapon of destruction that man can devise. And now as to this whole gamut of Socialist infections, I say to you... God has blessed us with another wonderful word heritage. The great documents of that heritage are not from Karl Marx. They are from the Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Within them alone can the safeguards of freedom survive...” President Herbert Hoover

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