Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Guard Your Children!

Guard Your Children!

There is evil afoot, and your children are the target of the insidious sex trafficking industry.
Here is another very important but Uncomfortable Conversation you must have with your teenagers when they're allowed to go places without you. It is about the real existence of sex trafficking and recruiting.

When I bring up the subject, I often hear - that's not happening in our neighborhoods. This was posted last night in one of my moms groups locally in our suburban area. Grateful for ministries like that of Rebecca Bender Initiative when I read things like this.

Another recruitment tactic ... See below

Another very important but Uncomfortable Conversation to have with our teenagers when they're allowed to go places without us is about the real existence of sex trafficking and recruiting.
When I bring up the subject, I often hear - that's not happening in our neighborhoods. This was posted last night in one of my moms groups locally in our suburban area. Grateful for ministries like that of Rebecca Bender Initiative when I read things like this.
Another recruitment tactic will be a job posting on a flyer where they are looking for teenagers age 14+, providing transportation and asking them to bring friends.
I know that's a heavy subject before church but my prayer today is that our children will be equipped and this type of darkness will always be exposed.
Below is Rebecca's interview on the The 700 Club.


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