Sunday, April 23, 2017

Preborn Babies

Preborn Babies -- A Video by Hashem Al-Ghaili.
Babies are treasures...every child who is conceived deserves a chance at life, and an opportunity to grow and to develop his or her gifts.

Every parent of a child has a remarkable mandate from GOD HIMSELF to "nurture the child in wisdom and faith and to allow him or her to grow into the fullness of all the good that the HOLY ONE has in HIS heart for each precious life.

Every parent, every teacher, every scout leader, every spiritual counselor will stand before GOD and give account of himself for all he says or all she does that impacts the life of a child.

Live Action added a new video.

Not a potential human being — a human being with potential! This amazing video shows that preborn children are not "clumps of cells" and "tissue," but persons who deserve our protection. Share this to tell the truth about abortion.

Video courtesy of Hashem Al-Ghaili.

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