Saturday, February 16, 2019


President Trump intends to declare a "national emergency" because of the crisis at our southern border. Some, including the liberal left media, have been very harsh on him for this action. However, they seem to forget that declaring national emergencies is not a new phenomena.
The Conservative Tribune reported:
As it turns out, there are currently 31 ongoing national emergencies over which the president wields certain authorities, the first of which has been in existence since 1979 and is one of only two emergencies declared by Carter.
There were a total of six national emergencies during former President Ronald Reagan’s tenure, as well as four more during the administration of former President George H.W. Bush, all of which have ended.
Former President Bill Clinton declared 17 national emergencies — six of which remain in effect — while former President George W. Bush declared 12 national emergencies, of which 10 remain ongoing.
Then we get to former President Barack Obama, who declared 13 national emergencies, 11 of which continue to this day. Thus far, President Trump has declared three active and ongoing national emergencies.
Of all the national emergencies declared through the tenures of past presidents to the current one being declared by President Trump, the constant influx of drugs, sex trafficking and illegal immigrants -- all of which are a drain on the resources of the nation -- seems most urgent.
Any true patriot should support President Trump in his effort to reign in this reign of terror being inflicted on the American people by a border that is open to all manner of crime.

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