Saturday, February 2, 2019

Thoughts on Ralph Northam

Ralph Northam is vile to the core of his being. Northam's apology for his mockery of people of color came only when it was discovered. True repentance anguishes over a wrong until it is confessed and forgiven.
The same murderous heart that allows him to disdain people who don't have the same skin color that he has and make light of an organization noted for murdering them, also allows him to look without compassion upon tiny, helpless human beings and allow them to be butchered in their mothers' wombs or as they are born--and, if they are born alive, his heart of stone allows them to be left unattended until they die.
Ralph Northam has no place among leaders of men, nor does he have a place among the family of men.
Real men defend the downtrodden, mend the broken, encourage the underdog, protect the innocent.
Real men fill the role GOD designed for them as protector of the home, the weak, the child.
Ralph Northam is not a man; he is a beast.
“There are more old drunks than old doctors in this world so I think I’ll have another beer.” Ralph Northam
Paulette Adkins
I AM ASHAMED to have ralph northam
For a governor of

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