Sunday, May 1, 2022

Crossing the Desert

 Egypt's Western Desert covers an astounding two-thirds of its country's territory. Within these more than 260,000 square miles are great sweeps of sand and stone seemingly untouched by time. We see a good sample of the scenery in our image—boulders, dunes, and stark hills create the tableau.

While this desert has its share of arid plains that stretch on forever, and massive dune fields in the Great Sand Sea, it also features myriad distinct landscapes within the broader region. The White Desert is a surreal area dotted by eroded chalk rock formations, and the Black Desert is peppered with volcanic deposits. And no fabled desert is complete without an oasis or two: The Western Desert has a string of them, including one not far from the spot in our image—Dakhla.

A natural desert is foreboding but a spiritual desert is devastating.  One can exist in a natural desert but obtaining the necessary provisions to traverse it safely.  Having adequate shelter from the sun in the daytime and from the cold at nighttime, as well as having enough food and water can assure your safe passage through earth's driest parched deserts.

A spiritual desert cannot be traversed at all by any human means.  A spiritual desert is void of truth, void of hope, void of peace, void of love -- and it will destroy the traveler who endeavors to pass through its empty corridor --unless he travels with JESUS.

JESUS is the living water.  JESUS is the bread of life.  JESUS is the love that never fails.  JESUS is GOD'S way where there is no way.  With JESUS to offer the necessary shade from the horrific heat of man's spiritual lostness; with JESUS to offer the necessary shelter from life's threatening storms, the weary sojourner can pass through the challenges the evil one hurls toward him in utter safety.

Allow the HOLY ONE to cover you with HIS shed blood and envelope you with HIS secure provision that will allow you to travel life's spiritual desert bathed in the wonder of HIS salvation.  Allow yourself to attain the portals of Heaven where you will be received into everlasting glory.  Allow yourself to abide in the power and love of the Savior.

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