McGee's beloved brother Moe was shot and killed at 19 years old. While
saying his goodbyes to Moe, Scotty promised him he would make it to the
NFL. In college, Scotty gave his life to Christ and saw a radical
transformation in his life. Discover God's love in your life.
We may not all have the qualifications to be players in the NFL. We may not all have what it takes to be doctors or lawyers or successful businessmen for Jesus, but each of us who believes has a "measure of faith" Romans 12:3 that we can employ in our prayers.
We may not all have the qualifications to be players in the NFL. We may not all have what it takes to be doctors or lawyers or successful businessmen for Jesus, but each of us who believes has a "measure of faith" Romans 12:3 that we can employ in our prayers.
With those prayers of faith, we can pray God's heart--which is that
"all men be saved." I Timothy 2:4 Who around you needs that prayer to
be prayed for him? Who around you will perish eternally if you don't
Give yourself unto prayer as the Word admonishes that you do. Psalm 109:4
You and Jesus are a team that cannot fail. You and Jesus will see many added to the Kingdom of Christ because you pray God's heart.
Give yourself unto prayer as the Word admonishes that you do. Psalm 109:4
You and Jesus are a team that cannot fail. You and Jesus will see many added to the Kingdom of Christ because you pray God's heart.

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