Friday, December 4, 2015

Prophetic Word

A Prophetic Word--New American Civil War  by Bill Wilson
On June 6, 2009, in his first foreign policy speech from Cairo, Egypt, the president  said, "I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear...In Ankara, I made clear that America is not -and never will be- at war with Islam." 
This president has kept his word at the expense of the safety of all Americans. He has fought against stereotypes of Islam and has done very little to defend Americans against an Islam that is at war with America. He has used time tested Islamic Marxist strategies to divide people by class, skin color, and religion to create a steamy cauldron of a new American Civil War with Islam as its catalyst.
While the president keeps saying that the US is not at war with Islam, and that he wants to defend Americans against extremism (Does he mean Christianity?), his actions fall far short of his words. 
He has opened the floodgates of Islamic invasion through welcoming so-called "refugees" of a war perpetrated by the Islamic State and other Muslim Brotherhood (MB)-supported terrorist groups that the president has aided and abetted. Among these "refugees" are terrorists whose aim is to make war on America--not on the American military, but on you and your family. No amount of government vetting is able to accurately ascertain the hearts of Islamic tares among them--either, past, current or present. 

This Civil War is a cauldron of a lethal mix of communists, racial hatred, anarchists and Islamists. The deadly spills seep over the edges, as unwise political solutions are added to bring the pot to a slow, but steady boil. There are no uniformed soldiers. There is no specific attack on the military. 
This is about breaking the will of law abiding, God fearing men, women and children to bring them into submission to a tyrannical system. They prey on the innocent and unsuspecting. They feast on death and are nourished on the destruction of their own.
The Muslim Brotherhood has a stated plan (General Strategic Goal In North America 5/22/1991).  It is to unite those who believe in their work of destroying America from within. Then rule over them.

These are times when we must be as Jesus warned us to be in Matthew 10:16 where He said, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."   Wise as serpents; harmless as doves--does this describe you?
We have a mission to preach the gospel to every creature and to make disciples. We also must overcome evil with good. As Ephesians 6:11 advises, we must, "Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." 
And having done all, we must stand. 
Being a Christian in this New American Civil War is not for the weak at heart. The opportunity to speak Christ and show Christianity is great. Balance it with wisdom and discernment. Pray for God's protection and act to protect yourself and your nation.  
The fate of our progeny and their future depends upon you today!


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