Tuesday, December 15, 2015



JESUS has said of Himself that He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

We live in a time when darkness is pervasive. Governments are corrupt. Politicians are deceitful. Protesters are angry. Terrorists are brutal.

And ordinary men are fearful. Ordinary men don't know who they should trust. Ordinary men don't know if they can even trust themselves. They wonder if they will have the courage to stand strong in the face of evil.

They wonder if they can stand up against governmental and political corruption and lies in high places. They wonder if they can rightly discern which protesters stand for just cause and which simply have a gripe against others whom they perceive to possess an advantage over themselves. They wonder if terrorists can ever be mollified.

If JESUS is indeed the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, His radience seems dim in the darkness of today's overwhelming night.

Yet, we know that a candle shines most brightly in the darkness. We know that the stars are invisible in the light of day but that they illumine the darkest night.

We must be those candles! We must be those stars! We must allow the LIVING SAVIOR who dwells in us to shine forth from us even as the darkness encompasses us!

Remember the words of Corrie ten Boom, the survivor of Nazi Germany and its horrible cloud of evil over the world. Corrie said that when she was young she confessed to her father that she did not trust herself to stand strong against the evil onslaught if it came against her...she simply did not possess the strength to prevail over such pervasive evil.

Her wise father said, "Corrie, when you were a little girl and you were going to ride the train to school by yourself, when did I give you the money to pay your fare?'

Corrie reflected that her beloved father gave her the necessary fare just as she got on the train.
His response to her was, "So then, Corrie, when you need courage to stand strong, when you must face insurmountable evil, it is then that your Heavenly Father will give you the courage to stand against it."

FATHER, we beseech YOU, allow us to trust that when the darkness becomes too heavy for us to dispell it, that THEN YOU WILL LET THE LIGHT OF CHRIST JESUS SHINE THROUGH US.
Lord, make us lights in the darkness.

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