"[On the eve of the inauguration, Andrew Johnson was] in
the midst of a very tense and draining time, having fought and won an
election and worked to bring normality back to his home state [of
Tennessee]. It is not at all surprising that when he arrived in
Washington to be sworn into office he was not in the best shape. On the
night before the inauguration he was in a good enough mood, however, to
have a number of drinks with a friend. ... The next day, upon stopping
in at the office of [outgoing] Vice President [Hannibal] Hamlin, he
drank several glasses of whiskey just before going to the ceremony. ...
Lincoln sitting beside Vice President Andrew Johnson at the second inauguration. |
"It probably did not take people long to figure this out. The
newspaper correspondents caught it all in its tragicomedy. Johnson was
like a drunken best man at a wedding giving an interminable and
embarrassing toast. The people present were mortified but knew that the
ceremony had to go on. In the midst of one pompous section, in which he
told all the officials assembled that they owed everything they were to
'the people,' he turned to address the cabinet members specifically.
And I will say to you, Mr. Secretary Seward, and to you,
Mr. Secretary Stanton, and to you, Mr. Secretary -- (to a gentleman
near by, sotto voce, 'Who is the Secretary of the Navy?' The person
addressed replied in a whisper, 'Mr. Welles') -- and to you Mr.
Secretary Welles ...
"On and on in that vein. Johnson's biographer Hans Trefousse
describes the reaction to this display. 'Seward and Welles seemed bland,
Stanton appeared to be petrified, Attorney General James Speed sat with
his eyes closed, and Postmaster General William Dennison was red and
white by turns,' he wrote. 'Senator Henry Wilson's face flushed, Sumner
'wore a saturnine and sarcastic smile' [by one account he put his head
down on the desk after a while], and Justice Samuel Nelson's lower jaw
dropped in sheer horror.' Lincoln just looked terribly sad. The cherry
on top of this little confection was Johnson's 'loud and theatrical'
action when taking the oath of office. He picked up the Bible and said,
'I kiss this Book in the face of my nation of the United States,' ...
After Johnson came Lincoln, who proceeded to give his sublime Second
Inaugural Address, which must have made what had gone before seem even
more imbecilic.
Andrew Johnson swearing-in ceremony in the Kirkwood House.
"As everyone surely knew it would, Johnson's performance drew
scathing commentary from the enemies of the new administration. What
made matters worse, if they could be any worse, was that his failure to
rise to this occasion gave ammunition to those who belittled those of
his background. The lowly tailor's apprentice had clawed his way to the
top, claiming all the while that he was just as good as the elites who
felt it was their right to lord it over people of his class. And yet
when his moment in the sun arrived he acted in a way that justified
every single thing they said about people of his type. There was no
mincing of words about this. He was a 'drunken boor,' a 'low sot' -- the
word low suggesting that everyone should have known that class will out.
"Some suggested Johnson resign, that he had disgraced the
office of vice president and damaged Lincoln when there was still so
much work to be done. And yet the president himself seemed unperturbed.
He told Hugh McCulloch, the secretary of the treasury, who confessed to
Lincoln that the president's life was even more precious to the
country now that he had had the chance to see Johnson in action, 'I have
known Andy Johnson for many years; he made a bad slip the other day,
but you need not be scared; Andy ain't a drunkard.' ...
"Alcoholic or not, Johnson was miserable about what had
happened. It must have been hard for a man so conscious of his
background to bear the ridicule and know that he had, in fact, fallen
very far short."
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