Sunday, May 8, 2016

For Whom Will You Vote?

For Whom Will You Vote?

There has been much conversation among principled people regarding the lack of principled candidates in the field of those who are running for president this year.

The available choices who remain include a communist, a serial liar whose political ambition far exceeds her patriotism, and a successful businessman whose personal life is littered with relationships that lack integrity.

The choices before good people who desire to cast their vote with integrity seem to be:

1. a communist whose basic idea of governance is at total variance with that of our founding fathers

2. an unindicted criminal who would be imprisoned if her high position did not shield her from arrest

3. a man whose words indicate him to be a loose cannon regarding the political correctness we've come to expect from our politicians.

If we have a communist as our next president, we will see our form of government undone--"government of the people, by the people, for the people," will, as LINCOLN said, "perish from the earth."

If we elect a woman whose personal coffers are filled with the treasures she's accrued from foreign governments who are the enemies of our way of government and of our religion and of our very existence if we do not convert to their belief system, we cannot begin to fathom the havoc that will be imposed upon our way of life.

If we vote for a man with little personal integrity we might be subjected to a glut of sordid tales emanating from the White House.

The choices before us are all tainted with evil. Shall we abstain from voting?

When someone called JESUS "good MASTER," his response was, "Why do you call ME good? There is NONE GOOD, NO NOT ONE."

JESUS knew HE would one day carry all the sins of mankind to the cross. As the bearer of all the evil of humankind, HE could not accept the term "good" for HIMSELF.

None of our current crop of political candidates is 'good.' All of them are evil in one way or another, and that is because all men are evil in one way or another--all of us are members of a fallen race. No matter who we vote for, we will be voting for someone who needs a Savior, for a flawed individual who is steeped in sin.

Of necessity, our choice in the voting booth must be based upon our well-investigated opinion of which candidate poses the least threat to our form of government, to which candidate, in spite of personal and moral failures, evidences the kind of patriotism that will put America first.

Which candidate is equipped to surround himself or herself with people who are best qualified for the job of advising the president and promoting the interests of the nation?

Which candidate is running in order to serve the country rather than to aggrandize himself?

None of the candidates are perfect. All (like every one of us) are evil (like every one of us.)

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, " The line between good and evil goes through the heart of every man."

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