May 4
Here Am I by Rod Parsley
We must shut ourselves off from the world and give Him our full attention.
“And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And Moses said, Here am I.” Exodus 3:4
When Moses came alone to the mountain of God and encountered a bush that burned but was not consumed, he did not leave to research burning bushes nor did he try to locate someone to question who had experienced the same phenomenon. He did not ask other people what they thought God wanted to tell him. Moses turned his focus toward the bush.
Because Moses had his eyes fixed on God and his ears open to God's voice, God called out to him.
God is continually calling us to turn aside and listen to His voice. He is never silent, but we cannot hear Him over the television, the tape player, or our own voices. Even our own thoughts drown out the voice of God calling to us.
We must shut ourselves off from the world and give Him our full attention. James 4:8 says, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you."
Take time for God. Seek Him in His Word. Like Moses, fix your eyes on God, open your ears to His voice and say, "Here am I."
Jesus, I long to say to You, "Here am I."
Visit me with Your presence.
Rapture my soul with joy.
Be my most intimate friend.
In Your mighty name I pray, Jesus. Amen.
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