Monday, May 2, 2016

It's Called Prison

Some things sound too good to be true. A wise person realizes that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is too good to be true.

In his own inimitable way, Sheriff Joe Arpaio points this out to us in the quote featured here.
It isn't that we do not desire to see our nation fully employed, for when our economy is booming, every one of us is advantaged.

It isn't that free health care is not a wonderful ideal, it is rather that the evidence of the failure of free health care systems where it is in place is universal.

The opportunity afforded to the least able among us to obtain a free education can be attested as having fallen short of the mark by anyone who's spent time within our public schools. There's a reason, for example, that the children of presidents attend Sidwell, a highly regarded private school.

And it's tested and proven that freebies--whether grades doled out by teachers or housing provided by the government--are not valued nearly as highly as are those things attained by ones own efforts.
The RIGHT to bear arms was included in the Constitution for a very good reason.

Our founding fathers fought for our freedoms and they recognized that the day might come in the future when arms will necessarily be taken up and that fight waged again. They wanted us to have the tools to maintain our freedoms. Are we willing to bear them?

Apart from the opportunity to supply our needs through our own efforts by the grace of God, as established by our founders in our matchless Constitution, we, like every other "socialist paradise" shall be undone by our own government.

The government can't undermine the work of Washington and Adams and Jefferson and Madison and Monroe without our complicity. What are we doing to assure the continuance of the government for which they sacrificed so much?

Will we value and support it as free people, or will we allow freebies to rob us of freedom?


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