Thursday, May 5, 2016

JESUS Is a Game Changer

Is your life fraught with problematic circumstances that appear to be insoluble?
Jesus is a game changer.

Are you faced with people who seem unrelenting in their determination to undermine you at work or in your personal life?
Jesus is a game changer.

Have your best efforts been insufficient to overcome the emotional complexities with which you wrestle?
Jesus is a game changer.

Have you tried everything humanly possible to rectify the wrongs that defy solution?
Jesus is a game changer.

HE's a game changer because HIS introduction into your challenges, whether professional or personal, whether physical or emotional, whether inner turmoil or outward assaults is not limited to what is 'humanly possible,' but extends to what is divinely possible!

You, like so many people caught in the throes of a dilemma, endeavor to utilize human solutions; you endeavor to employ your own strength to overcome the challenges that you face, but GOD never intended for you to right the wrongs of life on your own.

His Word states clearly that you are to "cast all your cares upon JESUS, for HE cares for you." I Peter 5:7. This is not an idle invitation like those we extend to one another.

We may say, "How are you?" as we walk away from our friend, indicating quite clearly that we don't really care how our friend is.

We may feign interest but our thoughts are far from the answer to our inquiry. God isn't like that.

Every word HE utters is pregnant with meaning, is awash with truth, is anchored in relevance.

What HE says, HE means, and what HE promises, HE performs.

JESUS is a game changer. Invite HIM into your circumstances and watch old things pass away and all things become new as you place your problems and perplexities into HIS hands.


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