Communist Cry: Make America Mexico Again by Bill Wilson
There was a curious news photo attached to a story about how radical anarchist rioters were violently protesting an appearance by Republican primary presidential candidate Donald Trump. The photo was of a little Latino boy holding a sign that read, "Make America Mexico Again."
This take off of Trump's campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again" spoke a thousand words. The George Soros communists, also supported by La Raza, Black Lives Matter, Communist Party USA and other radical anti-American groups, are using free speech to trample on the free speech of legitimate American citizens who support a traditional and law-abiding ideal of America.
Democratic Party presidential candidates, especially Hillary Clinton, support these organizations. "Make America Mexico Again" is exactly what the current occupant of the Oval Office and others in both political parties have created by allowing illegals to cross the border in record numbers.
With them come radical Muslims, drug lords, Mexico's worse criminals, and children by the thousands. They are all part of the plan--the Communist plan to take over America without a shot fired.
Generations of Americans are too far removed from the days we had to practice taking shelter under our school desks in the event of a communist attack on our nation.
The protesters come wrapped in hate and destruction against Trump for his strong stance against illegal immigration. The Los Angeles Times reports, Luis Serrano, an organizer with California Immigration Youth Justice Alliance, said, "We're going to keep showing up and standing against the actions and the hate Donald Trump is creating. We are going to continue to just show up in numbers and stand together."
So it is now "hateful" to enforce the law, but fine if a "president" allows free medical, social services, and protected status to those with their minds set on overthrowing the government. The only ones creating hate here are those who are protesting--minions and pawns of the greater communist cause.
Crisis and unrest creates opportunities for governments to crack down with greater control, suspending civil rights in the name of security.
Are we too asleep to see what is happening?
The answer is the gospel--truly it is. Christians are orderly, God fearing and law abiding by virtue of the commandments we strive to live by. We need to do a better job in evangelizing and making disciples. Our form of government works when the moral and ethical are holding accountability.
Romans 13:12 says, "The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."
We are in a fight as a people and a nation. We need to change hearts to win it.
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