Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rise Up!

Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers and perhaps the most brilliant statesman of all time (Kennedy said of an assemblage of astute men in the dining room of the White House that they were the brightest group ever gathered there -- other than when Jefferson dined alone) was an avid proponent of freedom.

One cannot help but wonder how Jefferson, and the rest of our nation's founders, would feel about the bloated government which now occupies Washington, D.C. -- the government that intrudes itself into virtually every aspect of life; the government that seeks to control the finances, the thinking, the spirit, the totality of the existence of the people.

May we, we who are at least to a degree, still a free people, rise up to control the serpentine bureaucracy that is strangling our rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

May we rise up to stay the steady encroachment of government into every aspect of life.

May we rise up to restore AMERICA to its days of glory -- which are rooted in the liberty upon which our founders staked their lives, their freedom, and their sacred honor.
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