Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Pollsters Are Polling, Deceivers Are Deceiving

The Pollsters Are Polling, Deceivers Are Deceiving by Bill Wilson

Everyday there is a new poll about the upcoming election. People are concerned when the polls are trending away from their candidates. But don't be alarmed. Polling is a science.

The candidates themselves commission the best polls. They usually know the real story. To accurately reflect the situation, polls must be taken from a random sample; the questions must be asked in a way that do not bias the answer; and there can be no leading of the interviewee in any direction by the one asking the questions.

The polls taken by the news organizations rarely follow these criteria. Their samplings are biased toward what they perceive as a larger Democratic base and the questions are slanted to lead the interviewee.

Last night, I was subjected to a candidate's poll. It didn't even try to mask its bias. The statements it was making about the candidates were incredible.

This poll, I believe, was testing how people react to certain attack themes the campaign wanted to employ against its opponent. They were themes along the lines of racism, bigotry, homophobia, putting guns in the hands of the mentally ill, denying a woman's right to an abortion, and so on.

The questions started out like this: "Would you be more or less likely to vote for Donald Trump if you knew he has supported racism by..." or "Would you be more or less likely to vote for Hillary Clinton if you knew she supported the unequivocal right of a women to have an abortion?"

Some of the themes that were tested were so outrageous that I couldn't help but comment that "while I don't believe that is the case, if it were true, I would be less likely to vote for the candidate."

Even the one asking the questions started laughing at some of my comments because, he, too, knew the test questions were extreme.

The one thing that I saw from this poll that is interesting to note is that the test themes all had a common theme-anyone who would vote for Trump will be labeled a racist and a bigot.

Clinton, from the direction of this poll, appears to be seriously considering cornering the voters and dividing them based on racism and bigotry. If you don't want to be labeled a racist, you better vote Hillary.

This is a longstanding political tactic of the Hegelian Dialectic used by communists to move people from what they think to what they want them to think.

First, there is the thesis, which is your current way of thinking.

Then there is the new thesis, the antithesis which, in this case would be "if you vote for this person you are a racist."

Then there is the synthesis, where you think about this and know that you are not a racist, but maybe people think you are, so you vote in a way that you can say you are not a racist.

Thesis, antithesis and synthesis-that's what these polls are probing.

Discernment is needed to counter these messages so there is no deception.

II Timothy 1:7 says, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Exercise your sound mind as led by the Holy Spirit.

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