A bouquet of lovely flowers is among the best of gifts. They adorn any room in which they're placed with grace and beauty and sweet fragrance.
But flowers soon begin to fade and wither.
Flowers are a reflection of our own lives, which flourish for a season but soon--all too soon--begin to reflect the changing season of our lives. We were young and vibrant but encroaching age takes its tole upon us.
We, too begin to wither, our vibrancy begins to fade.
But, JESUS, the "ROSE OF SHARON," is eternally alive! There is "no shadow of turning" in HIM, there is no lessening of vitality in HIS person.
And when we have received HIM as our SAVIOR and LORD, we take on that aspect of HIMSELF to our mortal beings.
When we have received JESUS, we are no longer young or old, we are eternal.
In HIM, we are forever vibrant and whole and alive.
But, JESUS, the "ROSE OF SHARON," is eternally alive! There is "no shadow of turning" in HIM, there is no lessening of vitality in HIS person.
And when we have received HIM as our SAVIOR and LORD, we take on that aspect of HIMSELF to our mortal beings.
When we have received JESUS, we are no longer young or old, we are eternal.
In HIM, we are forever vibrant and whole and alive.
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