Wednesday, April 12, 2017

An End Times Warning

April 12
An End Times Warning by Becky Dvorak

We should be alarmed at what we see taking place within the body of Christ these days, for evil is infiltrating our fellowships. The congregants are so full of themselves and the world, and many pastors are so complacent that they walk around with spiritual blinders on, bending to every whim of society. These social whims are leading people to hell.

But we who refuse to bow to Satan and his evil are part of a mighty remnant surfacing for a short while to do the Lord's business and then meet Him in the air. Our time is so short on this earth. And there are so many people who need to hear the truth about our Messiah. They not only need to hear but to see us living out the kingdom now, with the authority of Christ, the power of the Spirit and the Word in action.

I remember sitting on a plane when the young woman next to me started to pepper me with questions about my faith when she learned I was an author about faith for the miraculous and ministered around the world. She was full of anger towards followers of Jesus, because of the hypocrisy she saw, and decided to take it out on me. It was fine, for I knew this was a divine appointment of the Lord for this young lady.

As bitter as this young woman was, she burst into tears and said to me, "I have never met a Christian that walked in miracles before."

She then changed her tone, and started to ask me questions about the Lord that she never understood, or was never taught before.

This encounter made an impact upon me. It made me wonder what would happen if more Christians would take a stand for righteousness, and not give in to society's filth, if they would live out the Word as if they actually believe, instead of being spiritual wimps.

I know the time is short, and the only way to protect ourselves from falling for society's evil ways is to stay in the Word, to keep our relationship with the Holy Spirit fresh and alive, and to put action behind our faith.

If we will do these things we will make an impact while on this earth.

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