Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Brutal Slave Trade

Brutal Slave Trade by Bill Wilson

The United Nation's International Organization for Migration has posted a report on what it calls "shocking" events in Northern and West Africa. Its staff in Niger and Libya have "described as 'slave markets' tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya."

While this horror may come as a "shock" to the UN, it is commonplace in Islamic nations and Islamic controlled areas. Each year the State Department's Report on Human Rights points to Islamic nations as the most egregious violators of human rights because of human trafficking, violence against women and children, persecution of non-Muslims, and slavery.

These very things are encountered each day in our ministry in Ghana.
Our ministry partner in Ghana, Pastor William Agbeti writes: "Quite recently, a Ghanaian lady smuggled to Dubai managed to send a voice-recorded appeal to a friend, who forwarded it to me for help. I, in turn, forwarded it to the police.

In her appeal, the lady said she and numerous others were trafficked from Ghana to Dubai, under false pretenses. She ended up in the house of a Muslim man in Dubai as a sex slave and house cleaner. She is forced to work endlessly during the day, and at night she is subjected to extreme sex. She is not allowed to leave the house under any circumstance. Not even for medical attention.

In a heartbreaking voice, amidst weeping, she appealed to the Ghanaian authorities to come to her aid. The police have not gotten back to me on the issue."
Agbeti continued: "Now, in our own ministerial quarters, a young girl also almost fell victim to the Islamic human trafficking. The traffickers took her money, warned her not to tell anybody, and set a date for her journey to "greener pastures".

God loving her so much, she mustered up courage and approached us to seek a final opinion about the opportunity. Was she fortunate or what? To cut a long story short, the girl is currently under the care of our ministry, safely enrolled in a school, far from harm's way. We are responsible for her needs and school fees.

These and other developments make our work quite dangerous but highly necessary as we seek to make the world a much better place to live in with your help."
The UN has similar reports. The Islamic slave and human sex trafficking trade is big business. In Libya and Somalia, for example, Islamists entice people unawares or outright kidnap them and hold them for ransom.

If their families are unable to pay up, the victims are sold into slavery. They are used up, starved, raped, and are often murdered. This is reality. Islam protects and foments human trafficking and the modern slave trade.

Unlike the Koran, the Bible says the theft of a man for profit is a capital offense. Exodus 21 lists judgments set before the Israelites.

Verse 16 says, "He that steals a man, and sells him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death."

God's freedom vs allah's slavery. Who in their right mind would consider Islam?

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