Sunday, April 9, 2017

Events of Holy Week

Some of the Events of Holy Week:


Dear brethren in Christ, here you have an infographic which explains why the most important week in the liturgical year is called "holy".

It is called as such as it commemorates the patent demonstration and summit of Our Lord's Holiest and Immense Love for the entire humanity, a love willing to suffer unto "death, death on the Cross" in order to save us from our sins, and a love which knows no end, conquering death itself with His Resurrection.

Let us thank God not only with feelings and words, but also with works, taking advantage of the Holy Week to grow in our self-giving to Him, -and for Him-, to His Church and all souls.

The events described in each day are based on the Gospel of the Holy Mass for each day. The Gospel for the Holy Wednesday Mass recounts how Judas made a deal with the chief priests to deliver Jesus to them for 30 pieces of silver. The betrayal is initiated and culminates to Jesus' arrest after the Last Supper.   ANONYMOUS

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