Saturday, April 15, 2017

Silent Saturday

Silent Saturday

It is appropriate that on "Silent Saturday," the day in which nothing occurred of spiritual or eternal significance (at least that man could see) because JESUS was in the tomb, we are awaiting not only the celebration of HIS glorious RESURRECTION 2000 years ago, but also for the fulfillment of HIS 2000-year-old promise to come back.

Just as there are some who doubt the evidence that HE arose from the grave, there are those who doubt HIS return--just as the BIBLE assures us there will be.  For those who believe that every word of GOD'S HOLY BOOK is true, the time of waiting is merely a time to renew faith and to ponder the wondrous moment when HE shall appear.

When HIS feet left the ground at the Mount of Olives and HIS disciples stood in rapturous amazement as HE made HIS assent, the angel said, "You men of Galilee!  Why do you stand gazing into the air?  This same JESUS who is taken up from you will return in like manner as you have seen HIM go."

And they believed.

Just as Doubting Thomas believed when he saw the nail prints in HIS hands, so will the whole world believe when the eastern sky splits and JESUS returns with the trump of GOD and the shout of the Archangel.

Just as HE said to Thomas, "Blessed are you, Thomas, for you have seen and believed; but most blessed are they who, without seeing, yet believe," so will the outcome prove the blessing that will come to those who await HIS return; for those who do not wait because of their unbelief, shall be left behind.

On this Silent Saturday, are you preparing for Easter with colored eggs and chocolate bunnies, or are you watching the eastern sky to see if this will be the day HE COMES AGAIN---the day we shall "ever be with the LORD"? 

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