During the hours between 12 Noon and 3 PM, JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH hung on a cruel Roman cross for the sins of all mankind. Your sins, my sins, were upon HIS sinless person.
HIS back had been lacerated by the cruel Roman "cat of nine tails," a whip from which JESUS received 40 stripes...yes, that's 40 times nine. No matter how it's been portrayed in medieval art or in modern movies, no one has depicted HIS back as it was rendered by the Roman soldiers in charge of whipping HIM.
They mockingly put a crown of thorns upon HIS head, sinking it deep
into HIS brow. The blood from HIS wounds flowed into HIS eyes, blurring
HIS vision.
The purple robe they threw over HIS shoulders must have exacerbated the pain on HIS back as HE chaffed from the wounds, the blood, the sweat.
HE was forced to carry HIS cross (MY CROSS) until HIS utter exhaustion compelled the Romans to require a bystander to haul the heavy load in HIS behalf.
And when the soldiers and the crowd of mockers and weepers, and curious and incredulous arrived at the Place of the Skull (Golgotha), HE was nailed to the cross where HE hung for three hours with the sun and the wind and the mocking words bearing down upon HIM.
Just before HE expired, HE said HE thirsted. Then HE asked our FATHER GOD where HE was, why HE'D been forsaken...then HE said the most precious words in the entirety of the languages of the world, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM; THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO."
HE spoke those words not just to the gathered crowd, but to all ages of mankind...from the beginning to the end of time. Anyone who will receive, may have HIS forgiveness.
And at that time, when HE said, "IT IS FINISHED," the sky darkened at midday, an earthquake occurred that opened the graves of the departed, and the heavy veil of the Temple that separated the rest of the building from the Holy of Holies was rent--from top to bottom--just to demonstrate that it was torn asunder by the hand of the HOLY ONE--and that rending signified that no longer was man shut off from GOD.
The death of JESUS opened the Holy Place to everyone who seeks HIM with a repentant heart. HIS death opened the Holy Place to you, to me.
The purple robe they threw over HIS shoulders must have exacerbated the pain on HIS back as HE chaffed from the wounds, the blood, the sweat.
HE was forced to carry HIS cross (MY CROSS) until HIS utter exhaustion compelled the Romans to require a bystander to haul the heavy load in HIS behalf.
And when the soldiers and the crowd of mockers and weepers, and curious and incredulous arrived at the Place of the Skull (Golgotha), HE was nailed to the cross where HE hung for three hours with the sun and the wind and the mocking words bearing down upon HIM.
Just before HE expired, HE said HE thirsted. Then HE asked our FATHER GOD where HE was, why HE'D been forsaken...then HE said the most precious words in the entirety of the languages of the world, "FATHER, FORGIVE THEM; THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO."
HE spoke those words not just to the gathered crowd, but to all ages of mankind...from the beginning to the end of time. Anyone who will receive, may have HIS forgiveness.
And at that time, when HE said, "IT IS FINISHED," the sky darkened at midday, an earthquake occurred that opened the graves of the departed, and the heavy veil of the Temple that separated the rest of the building from the Holy of Holies was rent--from top to bottom--just to demonstrate that it was torn asunder by the hand of the HOLY ONE--and that rending signified that no longer was man shut off from GOD.
The death of JESUS opened the Holy Place to everyone who seeks HIM with a repentant heart. HIS death opened the Holy Place to you, to me.
Our Daily Bread
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