Thursday, April 13, 2017

Tomorow Isn't Promised

Tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. No one knows if he will be allowed to snuggle into his bed tonight.

"We live and move and have our being" by the grace and mercy of the GOD who sustains us and provides for us and loves us.

That good GOD has arranged that we, fallen creatures though we are, may not only abide in life but we may also dwell with HIM through eternity.


We are in the middle of "HOLY WEEK." Tomorrow, GOOD FRIDAY, is a day of unparalleled significance, for it is the day we recognize the most profound act of sacrifice that anyone has ever made in our behalf.

GOOD FRIDAY is the day we reflect upon the SAVIOR who left HIS throne in glory to live life as a mere man. Yes, JESUS forsook deity and lordship in order to live the life we could not live that we might become heirs of salvation because of HIS sinless perfection.

GOOD FRIDAY is more than just a day off from work or school. GOOD FRIDAY is the day that transformed your eternity from darkness to light.

GOOD FRIDAY is the day on which you were extended the option of receiving JESUS as your SINLESS SAVIOR and becoming a child of GOD or rejecting HIM and relegating yourself to a godless grave.

Today, Maundy Thursday, prepare your heart to experience the fullness of the "UNSPEAKABLE GIFT" the HOLY ONE is extending to you, and when you reflect upon the CRUCIFIXION tomorrow, lay your life of sin into the grave with JESUS and allow yourself the opportunity to rise with HIM on that inevitable day when you meet your eternity.

Hattie Smith

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