Dutch Sheets' Call to Prayer
Internationally-known evangelist Dutch Sheets has released a video message encouraging Christians to pray for America. He believes one of the keys to transformation in the US is a change in the judicial branch of the government. "The Left knows this, which is why their vicious and unprincipled attack of Justice Kavanaugh is unrelenting," he said. "These efforts are an attempt to delay the confirmation vote until after the midterms in hopes through these elections they will regain control of Congress."
Sheets said he was at Kavanaugh's Senate confirmation hearing in early September along with 50 other intercessors praying for God's will. "The level of spiritual warfare was extraordinary," Sheets continued. "Never have I been more convinced that a war of historical proportions is underway for the soul of our nation. A war-that will have worldwide implications. Like Israel, America's role on the earth is extremely significant."
Sheets asked viewers to pray for Judge Kavanaugh, his family, and for the upcoming midterm elections. "Ask God to give us the breakthrough in the Supreme Court we have been requesting for decades. A majority of justices who are constitutionalist...and who are pro-life. Please pray for the mid-term elections," he continued. "They should at least in part be decided based on God's will, destiny for America, righteousness, life for the babies, morality, and the eternal souls of human beings."
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