Wednesday, October 17, 2018

A Prayer for You

LORD JESUS, faithful believers and I bind together for all , YOUR beloved children who are precious in YOUR sight but who have not yet received the answers to their prayers for victory over injury and disorder and disease and disappointment of every sort.
We know YOU have placed a wall of protection around YOUR people that is made up of mighty, waring angels and that those angels will battle and defeat any foe that comes against them, yet the foe's onslaught is relentless.
YOU also see the battles that YOUR people face because they love you and serve YOU in hostile lands where freedom is not enjoyed, and we believe that YOUR wall of angels is even now defending them, too, even if we cannot yet see the evidence of their presence or their power.
We ask, LORD, that YOUR hedge of protection also encompass the wicked people who desire to use their wealth and power to destroy YOUR people simply because they are YOUR people. We know YOU can touch those hearts and deliver them from the evil that is spewing from them.
Whether these people can be touched by YOUR love and converted, thereby making enemies into friends, or whether they are harboring hearts that are solid rocks of evil, we ask for YOUR divine intervention to allay the fears of YOUR people and to reaffirm their faith in YOU and YOUR power to protect them.
Let everyone who recognizes the battles YOUR children face come to the realization that temporal wealth and power cannot stand against the Heavenly treasure and unfathomable power that YOU release to guard and protect YOUR people from every weapon of the enemy.
We ask for these and all YOUR favors in YOUR own mighty, matchless name, JESUS. Amen.

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