Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Numbers Are In

The Numbers Are In
The Numbers On Kavanaugh Are In And They're A Disaster For Democrats - Daily Caller
A majority of voters supports the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court if the FBI finds no corroborating evidence to back up claims of sexual assault made against the nominee, according to a Monday poll.
Following Thursday's testimonies from Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, 60 percent of voters are in favor of confirming the judge to the nation's highest court if no supporting evidence of sexual assault turns up, according to a Harvard University September 2018 Center for American Politics (CAPS) Harris Poll.
Three quarters of voters said California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein should have given the letter from Ford - in which she alleged the judge assaulted her - to the Senate Judiciary Committee when she first received it in July instead of holding it until the middle of Kavanaugh's confirmation process.
Most voters were strongly displeased with the Kavanaugh confirmation process, saying it was "politicized and mishandled." Sixty-nine percent of voters called the process a "national disgrace," according to the poll.
The divisive confirmation process has also ignited voting interest, with 45 percent of voters indicating they are more likely to vote in the midterms than they were previously. Sixty-three percent of voters think Kavanaugh will be confirmed to the Supreme Court. Other anonymous claims have also been made against Kavanaugh. He has continued to deny any allegations of sexual assault.

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