Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Letter to the Supreme Court

Letter to the Supreme Court

U.S, Supreme Court
1 First Street, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Dear Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States:
Does corruption reach into the hallowed halls of the highest court in the land?
Have the Chinese doled out monies to you as well as to the entire Biden family? That is the only explanation that seems plausible for your refusal to investigate what every citizen who is willing to be objective can see as the blatant theft of the November 3, 2020 election. Even those who do not believe there WAS fraud should be willing to investigate its possibility to the satisfaction of all legal voters.
The Chinese are certainly expanding their reach into this nation, which already extends from Wall Street to Hollywood Boulevard. Now, with the election of Joe Biden to the highest office in the land (under highly questionable circumstances) their influence extends to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Your unwillingness to address the blatant irregularities of this election and to investigate the evidence of fraud makes even you – the loftiest court in the land – subject to suspicion.
There are no words strong enough to express my disappointment in your illustrious body.
The corruption of Joe Biden and the nefarious actions of his family pales in being despicable in comparison to your betrayal of your duty to investigate and render righteous judgement in all significant matters brought before you -- including election integrity.

A profoundly concerned citizen
P.S. I am quite elderly so my concern is not for myself. My sorrow at the corruption of my government that obviously extends into the Supreme Court is for future generations that will not have the blessing of living in the free republic established by our founding fathers.

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