Sunday, January 2, 2022

Slavery / Abortion


Prior to the Civil War, America was divided into five categories:

1. Radical Republicans in the North: whose attitude was slavery is wrong--end it now.

They believed all human lives mattered, whether on or off a plantation, and all were equal, created in the image of God.

This group included abolitionists, the Underground Railroad, anti-slavery Christian preachers, the fringe John Brown, and many who fought in the Union Army and gave their lives to free the slaves.

2. Moderate Republicans: whose attitude was that slavery is wrong but the country should transition out of it gradually over time so slaves could be prepared for freedom.

3. Practical Neutral Voters: who cared little about the value of human life. They were more concerned about money issues, their pocketbook, jobs, wages, economy and tax-tariff issues.
4. Moderate Southern Democrats: whose attitude was slavery is wrong, but it was settled law and the nation should just live with it.

People should have the choice whether or not to own a slave--just treat your slaves nice.

5. Radical Southern Democrats: whose attitude was slavery is good and should be expanded into new Territories and States.

They wanted Northerners who were morally opposed to slavery to be forced to participate in it with the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and the Dred Scott decision of 1857.
Interestingly, these same categories regarding the value of human life are similar to the categories America is divided into today:

1. Pro-Life Republicans: whose attitude is abortion is wrong--end it now.

They believe all human lives matter, whether in or out of a womb, and that all are equal, created in the image of God. There are also some fringe "John Brown types."

2. Establishment Republicans: whose attitude is to reluctantly agree to a gradual limitation of abortions.

3. Practical Neutral Voters: who care little about human life. They avoid social issues and vote for candidates who will give them money, dole out welfare benefits, and help their pocketbook--"It's the economy, stupid."
4. Pro-Choice Democrats: whose attitude is that abortion is "settled law" and the nation should just live with it, just have it be "safe, legal, and rare."

5. Radical Democrats: whose attitude is that abortion is good and that it should be expanded though nationalized healthcare and global U.N. initiatives.

They support Roe v. Wade, the harvesting and selling of aborted baby body parts, and insist on forcing those who are morally opposed to abortion to participate in supporting it, suing Hobby Lobby and the Little Sisters of the Poor.
Just as more people are adopting pro-life views today, back then, leading up to the Civil War, more people were adopting abolitionist views.

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