Monday, September 3, 2012

Do We?

September 3

Solomon is said to have been the wisest man who ever lived. This is essentially true of the early part of his life—the part when he fastened his eyes upon the Lord and endeavored to rule justly and fairly. The wisdom he had seemed to flow from God Himself.

That is, until he allowed preoccupation with the pleasures afforded to him by his lavish wealth and lofty position to cloud his vision of God and diminish his wisdom. Solomon ‘lost his edge’ when he took strange women and false religions to his bosom. This phenomenon still occurs today.

The United States is a primary example of what happens to a nation or an individual who has known the blessing of God but has turned its back upon its Great Benefactor. When that sense of oneness with the Lord is lost, resignation sets in. We say with Solomon, “It is good for a man to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his toilsome labor…for his days are few and this is his lot,” Ecclesiastes 5:18.

Do we really want to be like Solomon who convinced himself there was nothing in life but to take fleeting pleasure wherever one may find it? Or do we want to nurture within ourselves the confident expectation that with Christ we are “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37) who are being refined by life’s trials and prepared for the glories of eternity spent with Jesus!

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