September 9
People of faith come together at church services to worship and praise the Lord, to be admonished in the eternal truth of His Word as it is set forth in the Bible. We are led into His presence by worship leaders and preachers who have presumably tapped into Him in a profound way that will enable them to lead His sheep into His presence.
And these services are beautiful, for the sense of the presence of the Holy Spirit of the Living and True God is profound. Sometimes the entire congregation is touched in such a mighty way that all the worshipers are ushered into the Throne Room of Mercy and Grace. Sometimes, one in the crowd is deeply touched at a point of need.
In any case, there is a sense of being fully alive when brought into His presence. There is a sense of being totally secure in the Holy One who inhabits eternity when one is lavished with that taste of Heaven. At that time, Luke 1:46-49 comes alive in us as it did in Mary at the Annunciation when she said, “My soul doth magnify the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior…for He that is mighty has done great things, and holy is His name!”
Though Mary didn’t have any idea how she would become the mother of the Messiah, she knew the God she trusted through a lifetime of worship to Him was in total charge of the situation. When His people today enter into the place of bowing their hearts and minds and wills before Him, they, too feel the power of His assurance that the answers they need will be supplied in God’s way, in God’s time. Once a worshiper is in the presence of the Holy One, all doubt is dispelled.
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