Friday, September 7, 2012

Life's Great Equalizer

September 7

Jesus is the answer to all life’s questions. He is the full supply for all life’s needs. The story is told of a young woman who questioned the goodness of the Lord when she contemplated the great inequities of life. Perhaps the reader has pondered them, too, for we live in a world that seems anything but ‘fair.’

Some people live in abject poverty. They subsist at a starvation level while others live in nations where thousands of pounds of good food are thrown away each day. If you don’t believe that, visit a U.S. school cafeteria at lunch time. Some men are free to speak their minds. Others are imprisoned for giving a voice to their faith. And the list could go on.

The young woman challenged God, “How can You be fair when some men are so poor and others are so wealthy? When some are so sick and others are vibrant with health? When some die so young while others live long, full lives?” To her amazement, the Lord answered her! He said, “Christ is the equalizer, for with Him as Savior, the poor man is rich; without Him, the rich man is impoverished. With Him, the sick man is whole and without Him, the whole man is dying of the disease of sin. With Him, the dead man is alive eternally but without Him the man who is living is already dead in sin.”

Having Christ as Savior reduces all other factors in life to the inconsequential trappings of time that they are. Having Christ elevates the gift of salvation that He has supplied to the only lofty attainment of time. As Titus 3:5, 6 states, “He saved us because of His mercy, not because of our goodness…He saved us through the washing that made us new through the Holy Spirit. God poured out richly upon us of His Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Savior.” As God told the young woman who questioned Him, the only thing that matters in time or eternity is life’s great equalizer—Jesus.

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