Saturday, September 8, 2012

They Gave Everything--Why?

September 8

Some people think Jesus and the early followers of Christ perpetrated the world’s most pervasive scam on believers. Those people are convinced that there isn’t any truth to the claims of Christ, that He is neither the Jewish Messiah or the Savior of the world. The best they will give Him is that he was a good story teller, a gentle soul whose kindness drew people to Himself.

The brilliant Christian apologist, Josh McDowell says those individuals can’t possibly be right. McDowell states emphatically that if Jesus is not the Son of God, the sinless Savior of mankind that He represented Himself to be, then He is either a lunatic or a liar, neither of which would be worthy of any admiration, let alone praise or worship.

One question to ponder when determining your own conclusion as to exactly who Jesus is must be, “Why would each of the apostles (but John who died in exile on Patmos) be willing to be put to a cruel death because they refused to renounce their faith? Why have people through the 2000 years since the inception of Christianity been willing to sacrifice comfort and fortune in order to share the gospel with those who haven’t heard it if the salvation message isn’t true?

Christianity isn’t a faith that has been propagated by war and conquest. It has been proliferated by the sacrifice and the love that its proponents have evidenced toward those they strove to reach with its tenets. As the beloved apostle said in I John 4:14, “We have seen and can testify that the Father sent His son to be the Savior of the world.” In the days of the apostles, and still today, men are compelled to share with those who do not yet know Jesus how wonderfully their lives can be transformed by His love and His salvation.

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