September 21
How do we recognize believers in Christ? There have been times in the past and there are yet places where open proclamation of faith in Jesus has been met with persecution and even death. We know about the way the Romans tortured Christians. Believers of that time were driven underground for self-preservation and resorted to secret symbols to identify one another.
Enemies of the gospel of Christ and of His name exist in the world today. The Muslim world, which purports itself to be peaceful, has a long history of wreaking havoc upon anyone who will not bow before their god Allah and proclaim Mohammed to be his messenger.
In places like Saudi Arabia it is illegal to wear a cross, let alone to speak the name of Jesus or to preach the gospel of Christ. In Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, and other Muslim countries, Christians are imprisoned and/or executed for their faith. The genocide in Somalia is the Muslim attempt to eradicate Christians. Persecution is perhaps more intense today than it has ever been. Yet Christians still proclaim the holy name of Jesus. Why? Why do some believers lay down their lives for His name?
The Word says, “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. We believe…we are made right with God…we are saved,” Romans 10:9, 10. Because the person who has been touched by Christ knows the Author of the universe, the evil powers of this corrupt world cannot intimidate them! They know that in giving their all for the Lord on earth, they are losing nothing, for HE has given them eternal life.
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