November 11
It is the nature of man to cling to life. Under duress, he will betray his convictions—even his loved ones—because self-preservation is deeply ingrained in humankind. There is a reason torture is an effective tool of wicked individuals when endeavoring to break the will of those who possess information they want.
Yet we know life—living, breathing, existing in this realm—is not all there is. We know there is a place beyond the ‘here and now’ to which we will go after this brief, frail existence is over. There may be many vastly differing opinions of the nature of that place, but most of us do anticipate abiding there.
From the religions that believe life is an endless cycle of on-going attempts to rise to higher and higher planes of existence on earth, to religions that believe bellicose exploits in the behalf of god will result in eternal delights, to Christianity that adheres to the promises of Jesus regarding abiding with Him always, most people anticipate living forever.
Yet the Bible, the book that is God’s love letter to man, says, ”Your body will be dead because of sin, but if Christ is in you, then His Spirit gives you life because Jesus makes you right with God,” Romans 8:10. To those who believe in Him as Savior and Lord, Christ is the factor that differentiates between an endless grave and eternal joy.
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