Thursday, November 8, 2012


November 8

The triune nature of the God we serve can be overlooked because it is not concisely stated in scripture. There isn’t any place believers can point, there is no chapter and verse to quote that says, “The Godhead is three in one.” But the intimation of the plurality of His nature is found in numerous places.

Among them are: Genesis 1:26, found on the first page of the Bible, which says of God at the point where He is about to create His highest being, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” If there were not a multiplicity to His nature, why would He consult with Himself on an aspect of His handiwork?

There is the testimony of the enemies of Christ in John 5:18 that Jesus, in asserting that God was His Father, made Himself equal with God. There is also the bold statement of Thomas in John 20:28 when he saw the risen Savior who invited His doubting disciple to touch His wounds. Thomas said, “My Lord and my God!” These verses subtly affirm God’s plurality. Another declaration of the three-in-one nature of our God is found in Titus 3:4, 5.

Here Paul says, “The kindness and love of God our Savior was shown when He saved us because of His mercy. Not because of our good deeds…but through the washing (of His blood) that made us new through the Holy Spirit.” God is declared to be the Savior whose blood makes us clean through the power of His Spirit at work in us. The involvement of the three aspects of His Person-hood is evident in numerous places—to anyone willing to see it.

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