What do people see reflected in your life? Do those reflections accurately represent who you are?
What do your actions and words convey regarding the things that are important to you? Do they reflect your patriotism? Your concern for the entirety of people on the planet? Your love for your family? Your desire to acquire wealth? Your lavish generosity with the wealth you have? Your faith in the God who has promised to supply all you need? Your devotion to the Savior who died for you?
The reflection of your self-hood should not be merely an image of the
person you present to the world; rather it should be the substance of
who you really are.
Do people see the real you?
Do you know the real you?
The LORD knows you, so be real before HIM and then you will be real before yourself and authentic before everyone who's part of your world.
Do people see the real you?
Do you know the real you?
The LORD knows you, so be real before HIM and then you will be real before yourself and authentic before everyone who's part of your world.
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